MKG Closing For 7 Days Due to Public Health Crisis
Urgent: Coronavirus ‘7 Day Closure’, Changes and Overall Protocol
Dear Valued MKG Member,
Please read this to the end.
We hope that you’ve been monitoring, and researching, what is going on with this global pandemic.
More important than that we hope you, your family and loved ones are all doing okay!
To be proactive and socially responsible we will be closing both of our facilities for a minimum of 7 days. Most facilities are closing for 14 but we offer diverse services and a one-size-fits-all approach may not be appropriate. We’ll monitor day by day and keep you informed.
We want to be clear that we know of nobody within our community who has tested positive for covid-19. However, testing is so far behind this is basically meaningless.
Closing was a gut wrenching decision for us and not taken lightly.
We know that attending classes at MKG is an essential piece of your mental and physical wellbeing. In many cases it took months, or years, for you to overcome the fear of trying something new/hard much less commit to becoming a member or participating in one of our boot camps. Momentum/motivation, health and fitness can be so easily lost and hard to regain…
It’s a conundrum but this coronavirus is so incredibly contagious we all must step back, regroup and see how things develop.
ACTIONS – These are our plans and thoughts for all programs over the next 7 days and beyond:
- 7 Day Closure For MKG Martial Arts, MAX Fit and CrossFit – Effective immediately all classes at both locations are cancelled from March 16-22. This is a reasonable interruption of services and we assume you all understand.
- Home Workouts – We will provide a minimum of 2 martial arts and 2 fitness workouts with video and documentation you can do from home each week we are closed. Try to post in our Facebook groups if you complete them!
- BJJ Classes – Effective immediately we will be suspending BJJ until further notice due to the overly close contact required and contact with the ground. We’ll know more in 2 weeks.
- After 7 Days – After 7 days we hope to modify services for proper social distancing and safety with your active participation. We hope to open again with modified classes or open gym at a minimum.
- MAX Fit Boot Camp – The next boot camp is scheduled to start on March 28th. We will push back the start date in order to be prepared. Watch your email late next week.
- Your Active Participation in Disinfecting/Cleaning – When we return, we ask that all members actively participate in disinfecting their areas, equipment and themselves during this crisis. We will be spraying all surfaces between classes/workouts and requiring all equipment to be wiped with approved disinfectant and other already established protocols.
- Ventilation – As much as possible we will be trying to open doors, garage doors and windows to provide maximum ventilation and clean air exchange. You may want to be prepared for a little ‘colder’ training environment.
CREDIT FOR TIME LOST – If we end up closing for more than 3 weeks this is what we will do as a thank you once normal operations resume for those who maintain their memberships through the closure:
- 2 FREE Parents night out events for members with children. ($70 value)
- 2 FREE 2 x 1-3 hour workshops conducted by one or more of our instructors later this summer/fall ($60-$100 value)
- 1 FREE Level or belt test fee. ($35-$55 value)
We feel that all these steps taken together will be an acceptable path forward unless directed otherwise.
Please consider getting on Facebook and joining the MKG Martial Arts Members & Friends Group, MKG Seattle Kids Martial Arts Members and Friends, MaxFit Fitness Members @ Friends or the CrossFit MKG page for updates. We will of course update by email and text as well so make sure our email address is whitelisted.
CAUTION – Cancellations and Suspensions During Coronavirus Scare
This is the most confusing and frightening situation we’ve faced in our 20 years of business. We’ve survived earthquakes, recession, soaring rents, Seattle labor regulations and the recent expense of moving into 2 separate locations but this is scary for small businesses and MKG Seattle in particular at this moment. This one could finish us off…
If you care at all that MKG Martial Arts or CrossFit MKG will be around after this coronavirus pandemic is over please do not cancel or suspend your membership. If you’ve already suspended/cancelled please consider reinstating. If you are a former member wanting to come back please consider returning ASAP.
If you are facing job/income losses yourself this will be a tough choice but please think about it seriously before making the request. It has taken 20 years to grow our community and a decade of growth can be lost in weeks at this rate. If MKG goes out of business or bankrupt this not only affects the owners and their children but also our part and full-time staff members who also depend on MKG to support themselves and their families. This is hard to ask but necessary.
It’s that serious…
However, at this early point in this crisis we are really gladdened to see our members rallying around each other and MKG as a community. Our members are universally really great people and we see everyone embracing the extra precautions, keeping touch with us about their attendance and enduring with humor and composure.
No matter what program you participate in what we do develops perseverance, discipline, humility, respect and mental and physical health.
If any community can pull through this crisis unscathed it will be you. It will be us.
Thank you for your understanding,
Tammy and Andy Wilson and the MKG Seattle Team