Archive for March 2018
WOD for March 27th
This Friday is “Chipper Friday”! Hope to see everyone there! Kipping Swing Fundamentals Alt. EMOM x 4 Min 1. :20 Hollow body hold 2. :30 Arch body 30 Hollow Body Rocks Alt. EMOM x 4 Min Position holds on the bar 1. :15 Hollow body 2. 15: Arch body WOD: AMRAP 20 2/1 Strict Pull…
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Strict Press E2MOM for 10 minutes 5 reps at 70% WOD: AMRAP 4 4 Hang power cleans Rx:95/65 6 Push Press 12 Lateral bar hops Rest 1 minute Repeat – complete 4 rounds Score each round separately
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Strict Press E2MOM for 10 minutes 5 reps at 70% WOD: AMRAP 4 4 Hang power cleans Rx:95/65 6 Push Press 12 Lateral bar hops Rest 1 minute Repeat – complete 4 rounds Score each round separately
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Chipper 60 Calories, row 50 Wall balls 20/14 40 T2B S1:SL2H S2:HKR 30 Power Cleans Rx:135/95 S:95/65 20 DB Burpees, Over the bar Rx:20/10 S:15/8 30 minute time cap
Read MoreGuro Rick Faye Seminar
2 DAY SEMINAR FEATURING KALI, PANANTUKAN, SILAT, JUN FAN /JKD, MUAY THAI AND MORE WITH GURO RICK FAYE… MKG Martial Arts in Northgate is the Seattle branch of Rick Faye’s Minnesota Kali Group. MKG Seattle has been hosting seminars with Guro Rick Faye 1-2x per year for the last 20 years. Founder of the world…
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NOW ENROLLING NORTHGATE KIDS SUMMER CAMPS Every summer and throughout the year MKG hosts a variety of day and week camps for Seattle kids in our North Seattle location. These camps are a great way to fill those long summer days or breaks from school that are normally filled with video games and television. Instead…
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